Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Pendrell, Take Two

In my last post, I mentioned that I was going to try hard not to justify buying any more fabric by saying that it matched my Spring Summer colour palette. Um, yes. Noble and worthy goal, but a complete failure. I bought fabric Saturday, sewed it on Sunday, and wore it on Monday! Worst of all? I love it and I want more!

Here it is, my second sleeveless Sewaholic Pendrell

Pendrell with cardigan

Here’s what I love about it: 

  • It’s a neutral dark navy, so I can wear it with any colour of cardigan or accessories. Like turquoise. Or yellow. Or red. Or everything at once!

  • The pattern hides my serging mistakes.

  • It’s drapey and hides a multitude of sins.

  • It’s perfect for work! 

  • I gave mine a curved hem, inspired by all the awesome Wiksten Tank shirts that I’ve been seeing lately. 

I really do think I’ll wear it mostly with a sweater, but it works as a sleeveless shirt too: 

Pendrell with belt

I don’t know if the shoulders are supposed to come so far out, but I kinda like how it balances my wide hips. Since Sewaholic patterns are designed for a pear-shape, maybe that was Tasia’s design plan all along! 

Without a belt or any accessories, it’s pretty dull: 

Straight up, nothing but Pendrell!

As before, I sewed a straight size 14… but had some fitting issues at the bust. I think I’m not doing the princess seams properly. 

The fabric is a really nice semi-sheer polyester (or is it rayon?) challis from Fabricland. hurray for 50%-off sales! It’s got a hint of a grid texture woven in. Can you see it where the light shines through?


I’m still learning how to handle slithery fabrics, and spray starch is my new best friend. The funny thing is, although people online mention using starch, no one seems to say how they use it! I’m not sure if I’m doing it “right” or not.

Starch blocking

This time, I sprayed the whole length of fabric as I ironed it after the wash, and then blocked, starched and ironed each piece after I cut it. (In the photo above, you can see the cut fabric being pulled into shape under the paper pattern, in preparation for starching.) Does anyone else do that too?

One final bonus pic before I go: I don’t know how other bloggers seem to pose so naturally, but my camera is always full of what-was-I-thinking shots this this! 


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