Sunday, December 22, 2013

Bacon Cowl, Jalie Raglan, and Green December Style Arc Pants!

Introducing my latest me-made outfit! 


Well, no strictly me-made… but handmade! Over the summer my sister Anne and I made a deal that she’d buy a bunch of fabric, I’d sew it into clothes for her, and she’d knit me a cowl in return! (I really did get the good end of that deal, but shhh! Don’t tell Anne!) 

The pattern is really cool, and I’m sure she’ll blog about it in more detail… but through some knitting magic is has a section with mitered corners where the stripes suddenly go another direction! Here’s how it looks: 

cowl twist collage

I like it a lot! Cosy and warm and great colours… although somewhere along the way it did earn the nickname “bacon cowl” on Twitter! I’m a bacon-eating semi-vegetarian though, so bacon is just fine by me! 


To wear with the cowl, I made up a Jalie raglan tee - My first Jalie pattern! So far, I’m a fan! It was easy to trace, went together well, and is the size it promised. 

back side

When I cut it out, I deliberately didn’t worry about matching stripes… and what do you know? As I sewed it up, the stripes matched! I guess it was just meant to be. 


I like the fit through the shoulders and bust… but I’m confused by the fit over the hips. I was thrilled with the dramatic curve out over the hips while I was tracing it, because it reminded me of my beloved Mission Maxi pattern. I like a drapey top, I like curved hems, and I like t-shirts that cover my tush… and yet… it’s not very flattering, is it? It hitches up on the pants below, and catches in folds instead of draping down smoothly. I don’t want it tight (horrors!) but I think I need to take it in at least 1/2” or more from the waist down. What do you think? 


Along with the new cowl and new top, of course I had to have new pants as well! I made these (Style Arc Elle, what else?) from 1.2m of stretch twill ends from my local store, and I like them much more than I expected! I haven’t worn khaki green pants in years, but I used to love my olive green cargos. My husband thinks the green doesn’t work with the coral, but I wore it anyway! 

Bonus: I’m counting these pants as my #sewcialist Green December project!


In other news (because everything comes back to cats) we’re debating taking out 6mth kitty with us to my parent’s house when we go for Christmas. My parent’s cat will be hiding in their bedroom, and there will be three dogs staying downstairs… She’d have to stay in our bedroom, but we’d hang out with her a lot. Is bringing her a good chance to see if we can make her a travelling cat, or a horrible plan that will stress her out? The alternative is leaving her alone over night, which we’ve never done! What do you think, O Wise Cat Ladies?

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