Another week, another blog post starting out with an apology for being late to post MMM pictures… but really? Who cares? I’m sure you don’t, and nor do I. Late, schmate. One with the show! :)
Zakka = Zakka!
Zakka is a Japanese word that I think is fairly familiar to crafters, but is pretty new to people in general. Zakka style embodies a nostalgic, sweet, handmade, rustic aesthetic, with lots of linen, cotton lace, faded gingham and so on. I love zakka things, but I prefer bolder and more fitted clothes. Here’s my best attempt to dress like a Japanese housewife (in my shapeless New Look 6022, striped t, and Nani Iro scarf!), and pose like the models on Japanese dress books! (Too bad I didn’t have a plain grey wall to pose in front of! :P )
It was SO HARD to look sweet and reserved! Here’s what I looked like in most shots:
Or I’d get distracted by uber-cute kawaii posing:
I can almost hear the squealing noise my Japanese students used to make when they posed! Gah. It’s just not me!
Tsukuru = Make
That’s more like it! Jamie and I spent the night with my awesome sister and her husband and their cute little house. Anne and I went fabric shopping - And she bought WAAAAY more than me! :) We’re going to work together on making the Sewaholic Cambie, and we’ve got some great versions lined up!
I changed the word of the day to tsukuru before going to visit, so that Anne could show off some of her own amazing skills. She had just finished the lovely shawl that she’s wearing, which is actually the simplest project I’ve seen her do in a while - but oh so lovely!
Lucky girl that I am, Anne took me to dye wool with her friend! Johanna runs Lofty FIbres, and very kindly let us puddle in the lovely colours! Anne dyed a fabulous magenta-violet for a friend’s wedding bolero, and I (surprise, surprise) mixed 3 shades of turquoise+green!
Kiruto = Quilt!
Here I am, casually lying on a quilt, relaxing in my front yard… Oh yeah, it really looked more like this:
Mickey mouse sheet, cars driving past, unfinished quilt… Yeah. It was a really fun day though, because on top of finishing the Sorbetto mod that I’m wearing, I got to do this:
Photoshoot with my Mom after I made her one too! :)
Hoshi = Want
I’m wearing a Peony dress for work… and that’s all I remember about the day! I guess what I hoshi is a better memory! :)
Phew! And there we have it. Another couple of days in MMM. I’m starting to realise that I’m really going to miss the active community of MMM, so I’m starting to scheme about a sewalong/challenge plan for July. I hope that some of you will join me!
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