Thursday, November 28, 2013

Honeycrisp Mittens! I made 'em!

P1020082Have you seen the new Honeycrisp Mitten pattern from Mari at Disparate Disciplines? I was lucky to be a pattern tester, and now I get to show mine off! 

As you can tell from the snow, winter has truly started in Canada. Even the local lake has frozen over now, and my 45 minute commute through the countryside now takes closer to 60 min because of the ice and snow! (Don’t worry, i’ve had my snow tires on since October!) 

I wanted a warm pair of mittens to go with the coral and cream wool cowl my sister is knitting me (which, incidentally, turned out to slightly resemble bacon! Yum.)

HoneyCrisp Mittens Collage 1For my mitts, I used polar fleece form my local Fabricland. I bought .5m, and still had enough leftover after the mitts to make a cosy cushion for my new kitty! (More on that later!) It took me about 5 minutes to cut them out, and maybe 30 min tops to sew them. I can’t wait to make some more for quick Christmas gifts!

Honeycrisp Mitten Collage 2

My favourite aspect of the pattern is the v-shaped seams where the top piece wraps arounds and meets at the inner wrist. (Most confusing explanation of a simple seam ever. Sorry about that! But look, it’s elegant, pretty and fun!) I sewed them on my regular sewing machine, and left the edges unfinished. Sewing with fleece makes everything so simple! 

If you are looking for a handmade gift you haven’t already given everyone another year, I really recommend this pattern! It is based off quite careful measurements when you fit for yourself, but I think it would be quite simple to guesstimate what size your friends and family would need. I think my next pair will be from a thrifted wool sweater - all the warmth of wool mittens, with none of that pesky slow knitting! 

As for that other thing I mentioned… we got a KITTEN!!!!! We’ve been promising ourselves for years now that we’d get one when we moved out of my parents’ house… so when I got full-time work last week, it seems like the right moment! We meant to adopt an adult cat, but I’m so glad we got swayed by this little kitty’s purring! 


Meet Clay! Short for Dr. Clayton Forrester, a mad scientist from Mystery Science Theatre 3000… and my husband declares our next cat will be Frank, Dr. Forrester’s sidekick! Nerds. What can you do but love them? 

Clay is 5 months old, and the highlight of my day! I’ve always lived with cats, but never one of my very own… and I instantly became that crazy cat lady who talks to their cat and photographs them constantly. I”m not ashamed, though, because I have such good cat lady role models in so many Sewcialists! 

clay blur

(This is how blurry most of my pics of her are! She’s a quick little devil!) 

Meow. Cats are the best. Also, mitten. Mittens are cos and warm and well designed! Cats AND mittens? That makes for a happy winter! 

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