Saturday, March 23, 2013

Help a #Sewcialist!

Meet Sarah. 

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Sewer, blogger, tweeter, Oona-pants-maker, and hopeful adoptive mother. She and her husband are trying to raise enough money to adopt a child - and you can help! 

For 82 days now, Sarah has been wearing her “adoption dress” (seen above) every day. Starting this week, if you donate $10 or more, you can give her a wardrobe theme for a day! (And I’m her first sponser! Keep reading to see what challenge I gave her… Though since you know the name of my blog, you can probably guess!) 

As a relative newly-wed and hopeful one-day mother, I can really sypathise with Sarah’s story. In her own words

 We have always known that we wanted to have a family someday thinking that, like most people, when the time was right we would just get pregnant.  Some things just don’t always work out the way you had thought they would and this was one of them for us.  After four years of trying to get pregnant, and no luck, we were faced with a decision. We could either pay, out of pocket, for infertility treatments with no guarantee they would work or we could adopt and be guaranteed to end up with our child. Now both options would cost us roughly the same amount of money. The decision was not a hard one to make. We had always talked about wanting to adopt at some point, so it was easy to see the path we should be on.” 

Now, Mr. Crafts and I aren’t ready for kids yet… but like most people, I’ve always assumed that I’d be able to have them if I wanted. I know a lot of you are proud parents, so I hope that you’ll consider supporting her too.

Sure, there are a lot of things we could all spend $10 on… a metre of fabric, a fast-food meal or two starbucks coffees. But with all the wonderful, kind support in the sewing community for new pattern makers, sewing frustrations and behind-the-scenes health struggles, I’m hoping that we can help Sarah’s dreams come true! Head on over to Sarah’s blog and click on the link in her sidebar to make a donation through PayPal!

As I said, I had the honour and pleasure of being Sarah’s first daily sponser today. Since I love all things colourful, I asked her to wear something rainbow. I thought she’d find a few colourful accessories or something, but no - She made the most amazing sequined rainbow skirt!  

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Isn’t it amazing? I want one too! 

If you haven’t clicked over to Sarah’s blog yet, I encourage you to go take a look. If you can, make a donation, leave a comment on her blog, or tweet to spread the word - every little bit helps! :) 

Thanks, lovely people. 


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